Thursday, November 22, 2018

Ralph Breaks The Internet

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! 

Ralph is funny, or rather John C. Reily voicing him is hilarious.  It is stupid humor, but it works.  Parents will no doubt get more of these jokes than their kids, because I was laughing out loud in the theater with my family and didn't care if it was just me expressing the reactions.  

Disney has always provided a solid story with a lesson in their movies.  This one is no different.  The backdrop is the internet and kids at least 11 or 12 would be more in tune with what is going on.  My kids 9 and 7 were still in the dark on mostly everything with internet related humor.  The lesson is sometimes more is not always the best with all of the thousands of apps, ease of internet choices and danger of putting yourself out there as a "viral star"  insults are real in the internet and it is a fantasy world when you totally get locked into it.  Put the animated characters of John C. Reily, Sara Silverman, Gal Gadot as "Shank" and plenty of other great analogies internet characters including the villainous "Computer Virus" and you have a great story, hilarious internet related material with a family themed Disney touch and you have a great family movie.  

Parents - make your reserved seats on line with your kids, plan on getting a glass of wine before hand or during the movie and have fun this Thanksgiving weekend in between food, football and family.  Enjoy.

85.9 B+

Thanks for reading.. the family man.  

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