Sunday, March 12, 2017

Kong: Skull Island

Just saw this big monster movie. I liked it, a lot. One thing I highly recommend is seeing this in IMAX 3D, it really immerses you into the movie and with the epic scale of King Kong and all the creatures on the island, combined with the sounds and squeals of everything, really really adds to the experience.

I'm glad I didn't take my seven year old son Harrison with me. It's a little much for the young mind to process, even though it's a monster movie.  I was very tempted but opted out because of the PG-13 rating.

Samuel J. Jackson is a good all in Army character and leads his troops to battle with the other side of Tom Hiddleston's tracker role and Brie Larson who is a tag along photographer.  Add in John Goodman and his scientific theories that "Monsters exist." and all of the random soldiers, and extra team of scientists it makes for a good tropical jungle monsters excursion.

The special effects are top notch, the sound makes it even better.  There are hardly ever any slow parts and each scene leads into the next, but always throws something new at you and keeps you engaged with the characters until they get picked off of by the various unearthly island inhabitants. My compliments to the director who lulls you in and then...SNAP!!  There goes that guy.

You know there will be more of these movies just how the story line ends up (not a big surprise). They didn't end it, rather then keep many unanswered questions left to be put in place. This is great entertainment and check it out in IMAX 3D, you will enjoy the monster ride that much more.  Kong is great and worthy of a couple hours at your local theatre.

Have a good week and thanks for reading.

Kong: Skull Island is a low A-

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